Our Five Core Values: We Recognize Every Person’s Value
One of the five points in our ethos at InJoy Life Resources is, “we recognize every person’s value: we embrace every person and appreciate them for who they are. We treat one another with dignity and respect.” This is the first pillar of what we do at Injoy, and it’s the anchor that causes the other values to stand. In order to truly provide service with integrity, empower individuals to reach their full potential, function well as a community, and truly have fun, we have to see every individual. How do you develop someone if you don’t know what they truly need to work on? Community of individuals.
The infrastructure of InJoy is embedded with recognizing every person’s value and treating one another with dignity and respect. At our facilities we have daily team meetings with various meaningful and enriching activities. Our company recognizes us for who we are as a staff through encouraging journal expression and sharing, allowing us to express ourselves through personal speeches, and listening to our individual ideas of how we can improve our company and enhance the experience of our members. The value that we explore within each other through displaying our personal individuality puts us in the mindset to foster a liberating environment for our members. The journey of exploring our members’ favorite activities, expectations, and wishes is exciting and full of nuance. It’s a pleasure to witness all of their many varied ways. The way that they show up as exactly who they are is an inspiration for all those who interact with them.
The process of individualization emerges from the recognition that we as humans all have similar needs. We need to feel a sense of basic safety physiologically and emotionally, we need to thrive in our environments, we need to be challenged, we need love, we need things to look forward to and we need things to hold sacred. Doors open when the right keys are created and each ridge and curve works together to open the doors of personal development. At Injoy we are all about personal development. When being pushed to full potential is tempered with a level of being seen wholly as an individual, strengths weaknesses and all, growth is inevitable and it is a glorious process.